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What is co-design?

Co-design is an engagement framework used by community service providers to work in partnership with their clients and customers.


It is about professionals and service users working together as equals to review, design and implement programs and services which help others in the community.



  • Provides deep insights into what people really value and most importantly why, to arrive at an understanding of what their priorities for support are.

  • Ensures robust testing of assumptions used to plan or design services. This increases likelihood of a ‘right first time’ outcome avoiding expensive re-working.

  • Harnesses insights, creativity and ideas from all stakeholder perspectives

  • Facilitates stakeholders to work together to consider and understand issues, barriers, constraints and potential solutions from all perspectives.

  • Eliminate predictable errors e.g. ‘If you had asked me I could have told you’ responses from people not involved in the design process but impacted by it.

  • Draws on a broad range of tools which include evidence based data for decision making.


Co-Design Resources

Download the co-design toolkit I developed for the aged care sector and published in 2016.

Co-Design Toolkit Part 1 - A Guide

Co-Design Toolkit Part 2 - The Toolkit

Co-Design Toolkit Part 3 - The Tools

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